November 11, 2014, I’m 21 years sober, I have begun to understand what emotional
maturity is about. I have learned so many lessons during these years, mainly
that my reactions have everything to do with my life choices today. I have
learned acceptance, gratefulness, humility and I need and want more of all of
those things. I’m alive and fully conscious of my process and the wonderful
road ahead with many more miracles to discover. I’m grateful for all the
challenges past and future for they have and will make me a stronger man. My
goal is to continue to be present and conscious throughout my life through the
end and continue to learn from each and every experience ahead. Fear which was
for a long time my driving force is slowly vanishing and losing its strength,
Love and Acceptance taking over. Thanks to my family, friends, God, Buddha,
Universe, Energy and members of the different 12 Steps support groups I have
attended, without all of you today will just be another day.
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